Sharing information
Little Steps must keep up-to-date records and share information with all those involved in the care and education of the children. This is part of the safe and efficient management of the nursery and it helps ensure that the needs of the children are met.
All about me forms
‘All About Me’ forms take various different formats and are a requirement of the Early Years Foundation Stage, these forms are completed during a ‘settling-in’ session. These share important key information that will help to settle a child into nursery, such as their likes, dislikes interests. It is good practice to incorporate some starting points into the ‘All about Me’ forms so that the key person has a good idea of where a child is developmentally. It will also help in planning appropriate activities based on the child’s interests, which will help to build confidence and a feeling of security.
Learning journals
We complete journals electronically using the Tapestry online Learning Journal system. When you enrol, you will receive an information pack with a consent form, information about Tapestry with links and user guides. Your child’s learning experiences at Little Steps will be captured using photos and observations which are uploaded to your account for you to view at your convenience. You as a parent, also have the option to add to their Journal, allowing you to share information and observations of things they have achieved, celebrated or experienced at home. You are also able to add comments about observations we have posted. Keeping a record of children’s learning and development is considered good practice by Ofsted.
Observations are crucial in getting to know a child and for helping them to settle into nursery. It will enable staff to identify any parts of the routine a child is struggling with and why and to identify a child’s interests. Knowing a child’s interests means that appropriate activities can be planned that the child will enjoy, creating positive experiences where the child can feel valued and confident which are important part of their learning.
The Principal welcomes parent feedback and is always happy to discuss queries and concerns about anything related to the care and education of your child. If you would like to discuss any issues concerning your child, consultations with your key person can be arranged either by telephone or by organising to come into the nursery.