Things to know when you join the Caterpillar group
This introduction is intended both for parents who are new to our nursery and for those whose children are making the transition to a new group.
When children join the Caterpillar group the focus is on purposeful play for individuals, pairs and very small groups. They learn to develop positive relationships and trust as they play and learn with their carers and their peers.
Children moving from the Ladybirds to the Caterpillars will be familiar with the environment, adults and routines. This helps make for a smooth transition.
For children new to the nursery, please see our ‘Settling In’ policy and procedure. We are very flexible in our approach and consider the particular needs of both child and parents as they settle in.
Useful information about what items will be needed in the Caterpillar group and where they will go
Those children who still need to sleep after lunch will continue to do so in the Baby Room adjoining the garden as before.
As Caterpillars, the children will now be based in the Play Place, but they will have the opportunity to use resources in the play areas throughout the nursery.
We continue to work as a team to care for your child. However, as a new member of staff will be your Key Person, we advise a consultation. The Key Person will act as your link between home and nursery, taking responsibility for keeping records of your child’s progress at Little Steps up to date and liaising closely with you about your child’s development.
We still follow the same learning curriculum as we did in the Ladybird group, i.e. the early years foundation stage (EYFS) curriculum. This means that we have planned play opportunities every day to ensure the children are learning and developing. When we plan activities for the children, consideration is given to their individual interests, abilities and stage of development. We plan simple focused activities which range from mark-making, offering different materials such as paint, crayons and chalk, construction resources such as wooden blocks and LEGO DUPLO, and tactile resources such as clay, play dough, cornflour, sand and water. There is role play and lots of opportunities to go outside in the garden. Through careful observation we can enhance their learning by adding further resources to extend their play.
Consultations to discuss your child’s development can be arranged with your Key Person at 10.30-11.00 on days when the nursery is open. If it is difficult for you to come into the nursery during these hours, a telephone consultation can be arranged.
Communication is paramount and you are welcome to call us at any time during the day to find out how your child is doing. We will always contact you if we have any concerns.
The principal/deputy needs to be kept informed of any changes in your child’s routine, diet, etc. and of any circumstances which may affect your child’s development.
To prevent important items going astray, slippers and shoes go in the cubbies located in the entrance hall. Any items from home such as comforters should go in the group ‘comforter baskets’ on top of the cubbies. Please limit the number of items to one comforter per child where possible, and remember to take it home at the end of the day.
Toilet training
All of the children that are toilet training will also need a good supply of spare clothes that are easy for them to put on by themselves. Although staff are always on hand to help, this encourages children to become self-sufficient. Please provide plenty of labelled spare clothes, including socks, which can be left in their bag for staff to access when needed.
Spare clothes
Because of our ever-changing weather and the sometimes messy nature of activities at nursery, all the children will need a bag of weather- and activity-appropriate spare clothes. Coats are hung in the cloakroom on a peg personalised with your child’s photograph.
Outdoor play
We strongly believe in the benefits of outdoor play and children have access to our garden each day whatever the weather. Please can you ensure that your child brings in a pair of labelled wellies and water proof trousers and coat to keep them warm and dry on wet days.
Please label everything !
We hope this reassures you that while the prospect of moving into another group at nursery may seem disconcerting, there is also a great deal of consistency which makes the transition very easy for us all.