Safeguarding children policies and procedures

The proprietors and staff at Little Steps Day Nursery fully recognise their role in helping keep children safe. It is the responsibility of the nursery to protect the child’s interests at all times. The care and safety of the child are all- important and the nursery will do everything possible to support the child and their family.

The principal and deputy are the designated people responsible for safeguarding children within the nursery. They have attended a Child Protection Course and liaise as appropriate with Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Board and the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO). In the principal’s absence the named Designated Senior Manager (DSM) will assume responsibility. All members of staff are made aware of how to respond if a child discloses abuse and the relevant procedures to follow. All parents and carers are made aware of the responsibilities of the staff in relation to child protection issues.

Any concerns will be reported in confidence to the principal/deputy who will be responsible for contacting the appropriate agency.

The nursery ensures that all staff and regular volunteers are checked as safe recruitment choices by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). Staff are placed on the DBS Update Service, which means that should they commit an offence, it is immediately flagged up and can be dealt with accordingly. Support and relevant training will be given to staff when/where appropriate to the children’s needs. The principal will ensure that any staff involved are supported appropriately, and referred for external counselling if necessary.

Staff are aware of the confidentiality policy and confidentiality is maintained at all times.

All information regarding safeguarding is displayed throughout the nursery.